
Showing posts from December, 2016

Testing... 123... Testing...

Stardust Glows (TM) 2016 Copyright, Joseph A. Wraith     I think I spend most of my day on contract work testing animations prior to going to final renders.  It can be a real pain when you are trying to get a job out on a designated deadline and yet you still need approvals on motion prior to going forward with the final output.   Plus, you have to make sure that the renders look great not only in the motion, but also lighting, textures and what not.   Most of the time you end up with surprises if you don't test which can later lead to reanimation and re-renders.   No fun.   Rendering alone can take up to 2-4+ minutes a frame sometimes. Yes, you can do small renders without textures, lights and so on, but there are still possible issues that may occur that you didn't see doing them that way.   I do on occasion render like that, but I prefer the full on approach, I don't want any surprises at all.  I can see more and feel better control of the images

Busy, busy, busy...

Jovian Trader Copyright 2016, Joseph A. Wraith    Winter is here and it is probably the busiest season for all of us.   With the stresses of trying to get work completed prior to the holidays, finding the right presents, doing the parties, decorations, the weather and jeez everything else life throws at you this time of year, it's a wonder we get anything done.   I know I sleep a lot less this time of year.     I also know that if I don't get at least one personal piece of work done a week I feel like the week isn't finished.   So add that to the holiday mayhem and sleep isn't allowed.   Ok, maybe just a wink.   I usually spend my weekends if not at the beach partially at least in front of my computer doing something new.   Right now I just finished the above image over the weekend and next weekend I have a new Monsterling character planned and after that a new Grossters character will be created in 3d.    My personal art-list goes on and on.   It's

My Art Brushes and Tools...

Attack on Kortel 11 Mining Colony 2016 Copyright, Joseph A. Wraith    I have probably been drawing and doing art since I could hold a crayon and have yet to put it down.    Although I have traded in my crayons and paper in for a Mac and Wacom Cintiq, I still often employ paper and either a pen, or pencil to draw on when I want my art experience to feel truly organic.   Sure there are more than plenty of applications that can give that organic look, but the feel of paper under my hand and the scratchiness of a pencil on the texture of the paper can not be reproduced. That unique and interactive experience just can not be duplicated by a computer.     The same goes with painting, or sculpting, sometimes you just want to get your hands dirty.  Then there are times when you don't, especially when you know you will have a million changes regardless of how great the art might be.   Some clients have a need to feel like they have produced the art with their own hands, sort

Sorry, it's not in the budget...

Fortune Favors the Bold 2016 Copyright Joseph A. Wraith  As a Freelance Creative nothing bugs me more than indecision, even I get under my own skin when I can't decide how to make a proper move toward something, or not.  Clients can also be like this as well.  I've been blessed with some really good clients and some... ehhh, not so good, but what Artist has not?   Sometimes to save your own sanity you just have to let them go regardless of the pay on the job, or even how much you may enjoy the project.   As for me when it stops being fun I stop doing it.  When it becomes stressful, or they can't make a decision on what to do next and it holds up production and in-turn keeps you from paying the bills on time, then something needs to be done.    Now you can ho-hum around and hope they finally move on the project, or you can take matters in to your own hands and put the client on the shelf and move onto the next project.  When the client finally does return with an

A Winters' Tale

The Fuglie's 2013 Christmas Card 2016 Copyright, Joseph A. Wraith   So every Winter I do a Fuglie Christmas card, or poster.   I don't make any money on this and it's not for anyone special, I just do it for me and I'll post it at my various social sites.   I could say I do it to promote my Fuglies' Brand, but that's not really what it's about.   It's actually just a fun thing I like to do, no other reason at all other than to have fun.    What I do has to be fun for me, or I'll lose interest and I wont be able to give the emotion to the project that it needs to be successful.   Money is not a true motivator for me either, although it helps pay the bills and feed myself and my family.   It's my creativity that is motivated by an idea, or a feeling, at least that's how it starts.   Of course I don't work for free, except on my own personal projects and I do expect to be paid well for my talent.  When I was much younger I actually